in conjunction with Edufficient LLC launches its Annual Advertising & Lead Generation Benchmarking Survey. Employees & Executives at Colleges, Lead providers, Aggregators & Call Centers who are members of the higher education community are invited to participate in this annual bench marking study. The goal is to identify current trends and best practices in lead generation, advertising, compliance & marketing as well as create a listing of EDU related lead providers which will be made available to member schools. Last year we had hundreds of colleges & lead providers participate.
March 6th 2013 – New York, NY – in conjunction with Edufficient LLC announced today the launch of its Annual Advertising, Lead Generation Benchmarking survey for the Higher Education sector. The survey, which is open to individuals that are directly involved with marketing in higher education as well as those who are EDU lead providers, will examine where schools are focusing their online marketing efforts, what tools and tactics are most effective, and what challenges exist in this area.
In addition, this year we will be compiling a list of lead providers who participate and make the list available to participating schools.
All survey participants may register to receive a free report with the results of the survey upon completion.
To Take the survey click or copy & paste the link below:
It will be open to respondents until April 15, 2013 and a report on the results will be made available to participants by the end of April.
To qualify you must be currently employed or within the last 6 months employed with an education lead provider, call center, school or responsible for the exclusive advertising and/ or lead buying for a school. All survey entries will be screened and validated!
About is a leading website resource & Networking group (9500+ members) for all those who work within, around the For-Profit Education industry. The site offers networking, research, consulting, news updates, free job postings and commentary from members of the For-Profit EDU community. Contributors include those from the school side, as well as those that work at related services firms including the investment community (investors, analysts, venture firms & PE firms), marketing & advertising professionals, educators & curriculum development, career services & other related service providers. ForProfitEDU also provides research and consulting services to schools & other service firms within the industry. Areas of expertise include Advertising, Lead generation, Marketing Strategy & Execution, Admissions, M&A, Raising capital, Market research and Partnering.
About Edufficient LLC,
Edufficient is a results-driven advertising & vendor management firm specializing in higher education with unrivaled Industry experience. Our objective is to facilitate long-term growth for colleges and universities through intelligent performance based direct response advertising and management, innovative technology, and progressive methodology. By serving as an extension of your internal marketing team, we share your enrollment and marketing objectives.
To Take the survey click or copy & paste the link below:]]>