It’s no secret that this school year, like the two before it, has been even more jam-packed for teachers than normal. (And teaching was already a demanding job before the pandemic!) In a seemingly never-ending barrage of changes, considerations, and disruptions, teachers are continuing to support students.
But as more teachers leave the profession, it’s critical that schools and districts pay closer attention to the workload, stress levels, and overall well-being of their staff.
Alleviating teachers’ workloads is one way that districts can support teachers. Here are 3 ways district and school leaders can help lighten the load.
1. Create a daily advisory period
Are there administrative tasks that teachers are currently completing during regularly scheduled class time or before or after school? Build in an advisory period that serves the needs of both students and teachers. This can be a dedicated time gathering, checking in with one another, and handling administrative tasks like school-wide attendance, responding to emails, or making calls to families. It’s critical that this time doesn’t include additional responsibilities for teachers, but instead gives teachers a dedicated, focused time for the tasks that find their way into a prep period or lunch break.