Early studies are showing significant learning loss in math due to the pandemic. Because of this, teachers need to be prepared to identify and fix any gaps when all students return to in-person learning.
Over a decade ago, Vail School District overhauled our math curriculum and intervention plan and have continued to make updates as our students’ needs have evolved. In this article, I’ll share my top five “must haves” for any math intervention initiative.
Tip #1: Monitor progress throughout the year
It’s important that we receive an in-depth understanding of students’ progress throughout the school year – not just once or twice. I recommend providing three universal math screenings – in fall, winter, and spring – and also have teachers monitor progress on a weekly basis.
Our district started doing this through curriculum-based measurement (CBM) roughly 17 years ago. CBM has been linked to improved student academic outcomes, more effective instruction, and higher student achievement.
Building upon the benefits of CBM, we started using Spring Math, a math intervention solution that combines tools for assessment, intervention and progress monitoring. This has simplified the assessment and grading process for teachers and provides a more in-depth way to support students’ needs.