EducationAid Support A Student Program
The “Support a Student” Program was created to prevent students from dropping out of college by helping them pay for living expenses not covered by financial aid. Reducing this type of financial pressure will allow students to focus more time on their education and enable them to complete their degrees. Every ten thousand dollars raised can support one student for one year.
Funding will be used to provide financial support to students attending any post secondary institution. Education Aid provides support by making payments towards their rent, groceries, and gas/electric bills. This student will also have their books paid for each semester. Payments will be made directly to the landlord and utility company and the students will receive gift cards to the local supermarkets and bookstores.
In order for students to qualify for the program, they must receive some type of financial aid, be in good academic standing with their College or University and be working at least part time. Students must be attending an accredited school or job training program. Students must submit an application for the Support a Student Program in order to be considered for the program. The application will be used to identify the student who is most at risk of dropping out because they do not receive enough financial aid to cover the full cost of their education.
If you or your company are interested in either sponsoring a student yourself, or making a contribution to the “Support a Student Program” please contact Karyn Balfour at
As an individual or company please consider donating what you can:]]>