Brian Stoffel from the Motley Fool recently wrote an article indicating he may have been totally wrong in his opinions relating to the for profit education industry.
I spent the better part of my first year at the Fool raging against the for-profit education community. And it was for good reason: Enrollment is dropping, they get too much money from the government, and students are defaulting on their loans at alarming rates.
But after watching a recent speech by innovation guru Clayton Christensen, I’m starting to wonder if I am reading the situation completely wrong.
1. Competing against non-consumption
Christensen says that most innovation comes from companies that are able to bring products to people that otherwise would have no access to them…
2. Using different metrics
A typical college or university focuses on the quality of the research being conducted by faculty as a preeminent metric for value and worth that a college has. While that might seem great, it doesn’t do much to ensure that students are actually being taught…
3. New customers will be enticed into the system
With the cost of sending a child to college sky-rocketing, more and more students may look at online schools as a viable alternative…
Link to complete article