Many of the school systems we have spoken to continue to stress about the state approval requirements due to be in place by July.. It’s hard to imagine the burden the Govt. has placed on the many high quality education providers within our industry. Clearly many of them will not be able to achieve overall approval by the deadline. Does that only hurt the school or company? What about the students that have begun working towards their degrees? They continue to raise the bar as they go, yet they fail to even pretend to hold traditional post secondary institutions as accountable…
The common response from the govt. is that we need to continue to install checks and balances, yet they clearly have no checks and balance to the plethora of new rules & laws that they create. Wouldn’t common sense dictate that an easy check and balance would be what’s good for the goose is good for the gander? Why don’t they hold all colleges and universities to the same standards?]]>