Don’t we all know by now that most politicians are by definition for profit! Maybe Harkin is just mad he didn’t get enough donations from the industry…
An Iowa Board of Regents member worked behind the scenes to create a university institute honoring her husband, Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin, and then pushed for its approval before two of the couple’s allies left the board, according to an email obtained by The Associated Press.
The 2011 email from then-Iowa State University Provost Elizabeth Hoffman describes the top-secret process that Ruth Harkin and a small group of officials pursued in planning the Harkin Institute of Public Policy, which remains mired in controversy nearly two years later. It noted that an ethics scandal involving a similar institute honoring New York Rep. Charlie Rangel made the Harkins aware “that they needed to make sure the fundraising was very above board,” but they have faced questions about their relationship with donors nonetheless.
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