Over the last 18 months many schools have taken the time to investigate ways they can both improve student intake and outcomes. Schools have looked at everything from orientations, trail periods, profiling, lead scoring and assessments. Most agree that is great to see schools focusing on quality in as it makes for significantly improved metrics & outcomes. When a school demonstrates that their desires and commitments are in the best interests of the prospective student it builds a bond of trust and appreciation. By taking a little bit of time to better understand the desires, motivations and interests of the student a schools is far more likely to create a better experience and satisfaction with it’s student body.
Over the coming months we will begin to explore some of the tools & services schools are utilizing to improve recruitment & retention, we will share these with those in our LinkedIn group with the hope that you will also share your successes with the rest of us.
Members of our LinkedIn group will receive emails profiling the services. If you are within the industry please feel free to join our LinkedIn group by clicking on the linked button top right of the page.]]>